Province: Bagmati (Province No. 3)
District: Makwanpur
Constituency Area: Makwanpur 1
National Democratic Party
Full Name: | Dipak Bahadur Singh |
Full Name (Nepali): | दिपक बहादुर सिंह |
Date Of Birth: | 1961-07-26 A.D. (2018-04-11 B.S.) |
Place of Birth: | NA |
Address: | मकवानपुर हेटौडा उपमहानगरपालिका पुरानो मकवानपुर रोड |
Previous Profession: | NA |
Gender | male |
Education Level: | other |
Education Degree: | NA |
Political Party (Current): | National Democratic Party |
Email Address: | Email is not public |
Contact Number: | Contact Number is not public |
# | Political Party | Election Symbol | Year | Area | Status | Total Votes |
1 |
National Democratic Party FPTP |
हलो |
2079 |
Province: Bagmati (Province No. 3) District: Makwanpur Area: Makwanpur 1 |
won 27851 |
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Full Name: | (मोहन बहादुर सिंह) |
Relationship: | Father/Mother |
Occupation: | NA |
Affiliated Org.: | NA |
Full Name: | (निलम सिंह) |
Relationship: | Spouse |
Occupation: | NA |
Affiliated Org.: | NA |
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