Mahantha Thakur FPTP

Mahantha Thakur

महन्थ ठाकुर

Province: Madhesh (Province No. 2)

District: Mahottari

Constituency Area: Mahottari 3

Political Party:

Democratic Socialist Party Nepal

Democratic Socialist Party Nepal

General Information

Full Name: Mahantha Thakur
Full Name (Nepali): महन्थ ठाकुर
Date Of Birth: 1943-05-07 A.D. (2001-01-24 B.S.)
Place of Birth: NA
Address: सर्लाही मलंगवा नगरपालिका नयाँबस्ती
Previous Profession: NA
Gender male
Education Level: other
Education Degree: NA
Political Party (Current): Democratic Socialist Party Nepal
Email Address: Email is not public
Contact Number: Contact Number is not public

Electoral Histories

# Political Party Election Symbol Year Area Status | Total Votes

Rastriya Janata Party Nepal


ढल्केको छाता


Province: Madhesh (Province No. 2)

District: Mahottari

Area: Mahottari 3




Democratic Socialist Party Nepal




Province: Madhesh (Province No. 2)

District: Mahottari

Area: Mahottari 3



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कुशेश्वर ठाकुर

Full Name: (कुशेश्वर ठाकुर)
Relationship: Father/Mother
Occupation: NA
Affiliated Org.: NA

सुशिला ठाकुर

Full Name: (सुशिला ठाकुर)
Relationship: Spouse
Occupation: NA
Affiliated Org.: NA
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